How letting go (nekkhamma) of what no longer serves us reveals the wonders of the path that leads to the end of suffering.
Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Devin Berry.
How standing in our integrity brings us into alignment with what we truly are, and stepping us closer and closer to the liberative insight into insubstantiality.
Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Gina Laroche.
How meeting the four dharmas (outer, inner, textual, and phenomenal) leads us to that which does not vanish.
Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Dawn Scott.
What an ancient story about love has to tell us about facing our demons and opening our hearts.
Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Devin Berry.