The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nico Hase's Dharma Talks at Refuge of Belonging
Nico Hase
2024-05-11 Conditionality, Confidence, and finding our energy for the path 27:54
How we can use confidence (saddha) and our understanding of conditionality to kindle energy for the path. Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Tuere Sala.
Refuge of Belonging
2024-04-13 Wisdom, Emptiness, and Finding Our Way Home 30:35
Stories, examples, and reflections on the conditions that give rise to the wisdom that recognizes emptiness, and the expression that move from that wisdom. Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Judson Brewer.
Refuge of Belonging
2024-03-09 Trading Candy for Gold 30:19
How letting go (nekkhamma) of what no longer serves us reveals the wonders of the path that leads to the end of suffering. Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Devin Berry.
Refuge of Belonging
2024-02-10 Sila Is the Path 30:00
How standing in our integrity brings us into alignment with what we truly are, and stepping us closer and closer to the liberative insight into insubstantiality. Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Gina Laroche.
Refuge of Belonging
2023-12-09 Following the Truth of Sacca Parami 26:55
How meeting the four dharmas (outer, inner, textual, and phenomenal) leads us to that which does not vanish. Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Dawn Scott.
Refuge of Belonging
2023-10-14 Sila Is a Responsiveness of the Heart 25:28
How sila lays the foundation for samadhi and the wisdom that frees us from the hamster wheel of samsara.
Refuge of Belonging
2023-08-12 Metta and the 500 Monks in the Forest 26:56
What an ancient story about love has to tell us about facing our demons and opening our hearts. Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Devin Berry.
Refuge of Belonging
2023-07-08 Yielding to Virya 31:48
How our cultivation of virya is actually a yielding to the process rather than a pushing forward . . . ways to align ourselves with that power of yielding. Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat
Refuge of Belonging
2023-07-08 Balancing Our Energy 30:30
How we get out balance with our virya, and what to do about it. Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat.
Refuge of Belonging

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