In this talk, nico speaks about adhitthana parami as resilience. He defines resilience as the ability to bounce back from adversity and offers some pointers from contemporary psychology research on how to build resilience.
In this talk nico examines several theories of truth and suggests that Buddhism is best understood as a liberative phenomenological pragmatism. Despite the big words, there are plenty of stories and examples to drive the points home into our experience.
In this talk nico offers four guides or doorways to truth: the outer guide, the inner guide, the textual guide, and phenomena itself as guide. Through bringing these four into balance we can steady ourselves on the path.
How we can use confidence (saddha) and our understanding of conditionality to kindle energy for the path.
Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Tuere Sala.
Stories, examples, and reflections on the conditions that give rise to the wisdom that recognizes emptiness, and the expression that move from that wisdom.
Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Judson Brewer.
How letting go (nekkhamma) of what no longer serves us reveals the wonders of the path that leads to the end of suffering.
Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Devin Berry.
How standing in our integrity brings us into alignment with what we truly are, and stepping us closer and closer to the liberative insight into insubstantiality.
Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Gina Laroche.
How meeting the four dharmas (outer, inner, textual, and phenomenal) leads us to that which does not vanish.
Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Dawn Scott.
What an ancient story about love has to tell us about facing our demons and opening our hearts.
Talk #2 from the Refuge of Belonging online daylong retreat with Devin Berry.